Guide for Authors


Authors will receive an immediate acknowledgment of receipt of their paper followed, normally within three months, by notification of acceptance or rejection. Inadequately or incorrectly prepared typescripts may be delayed or even rejected. Papers may not be offered for publication elsewhere while under consideration by Journal of Sohag Agriscience . Manuscripts must be in clear, concise English. The Journal may accept Arabic articles in the field of Agricultural. Economics/Rural Sociology only


Title This should be concise, reasonably specific and explain the nature of the work.

Running title An abbreviated running title of up to 80 characters should also be provided.

Authors' names: these must each have one forename in full and initials for any further forenames (for example, Arthur B Smith). Give the full address (es) where the work was done, and the name, address, phone and fax numbers (and e-mail address where available) of the corresponding author to whom correspondence and proofs are to be sent.

Abstract: This must contain fewer than 200 words, provides a rationale for the study (understandable to a broad audience) and states the main aim(s), describes the main findings, including important numerical values and provides the main conclusions, including why the results are significant and advance the field.

Key words: Appropriate key words (4-6) should be provided for indexing, abstracting and online searching.

Introduction: Give the aim of the investigations and a brief statement of previous relevant work with references.

Materials and Methods: State clearly, in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated, the methods and materials used. Only new techniques need to be described in detail but known methods must have adequate references. State the type and strength of formulations. The name and location of suppliers/manufacturers of equipment, chemicals, etc, should be provided. The details should be given at first mention, then subsequently only the supplier's/manufacturer's name.

Results and Discussion Present these concisely, using tables or illustrations for clarity; do not list the results again in the text. Give adequate indication of the level of experimental error and the statistical significance of the results. Do not overestimate the precision of your measurements.  Usually the Results should be followed by a concise section to discuss and interpret them. A combined Results and Discussion section sometimes simplifies the presentation.

Acknowledgements Keep these to the absolute minimum.



(a) Typing Type in double spacing, using at least a 10 cpi or 12 point font, leaving adequate margins. Each page should be numbered. Text lines should be numbered, with the numbers restarting on each page. Underline (to indicate italicization) no part of the text or headings unless it is absolutely necessary, i.e. for emphasis, genera and species names, some chemical descriptors and journal titles. Do not underline headings.

(b) Tables Number tables consecutively using Arabic numerals and supply each Table on a separate sheet. Keep the number of columns as few as possible and the titles of the tables concise. Units should appear in parentheses in the column heading and not in the body of the table. Give essential details as footnotes, each identified by an alphabetical superscript. The results must be easy to follow without horizontal lines between entries.

(c) Illustrations Include only if essential, and number the figures and photographs in a single sequence in order of appearance using Arabic numerals. Keep lettering and numbering (characters) on illustrations to a minimum and include essential details in the legend. Photomicrographs must have a scale bar.

Authors should note that printing figures in color will incur extra charge.

(d) Symbols, formulae and equations write these with great care using SI units and symbols where possible.

(e) References In text references should be cited by author (surname) and date (in round bracket), e.g. John and Burton (2001). If there are more than two, e.g. (Declan et al. 1765). For several publications by the same author in the same year, use: a, b, c, ect., after the year of publication, e.g. John (1986a, b, c). Listing of references in the text should be chronological separated by semicolon, e.g. (Smith 1987; John 1999; Moriss et al. 2000). Refer to unpublished work entirely in the text thus: (Smith, unpublished), (Brown, 1987, pers. comm.).

List the references in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, giving all the authors, with their initials, after the respective surname(s). Include paper titles and chapter titles in references. Note carefully the style and order:

  1. Hadfield ST, Sadler JK, Bolygo E, Hill S and Hill IR, Pyrethroid residues in sediment and water samples from mesocosm and farm pond studies of simulated accidental aquatic exposure. Pestic Sci 38 :283-294 (1993).

The journal title should be in italic and the volume number in bold. Give first and last page numbers of the reference but no part number unless there is separate pagination for each issue.

Articles published online but not yet assigned to an issue may be cited by using the DOI:

Schüder I, Port G and Bennison J, The behavioural response of slugs and snails to novel molluscicides, irritants and repellents. Pest Manag Sci DOI: 10.1002/ps.942 (2004).

Quote books as follows, taking care to include the publisher's name and the place and date of publication:

de Waard MA, Fungal resistance strategies in winter wheat in the Netherlands, in Resistance '91: Achievements and Developments in Combating Pesticide Resistance, ed. by Denholm I, Devonshire AL and Hollomon DW, Elsevier Science Publishers, London, pp. 48-60 (1992).

When quoting conference proceedings, include the organizers of the conference and also the publishers of the proceedings (if different from the organizers) and the date and place of publication.

 ( f ) Scientific names of organisms: Give the scientific names (with authority abbreviated as is customary, e.g. scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L.) of test plants or organisms, pests, disease pathogens and host species in full at the first mention in the abstract and in the main text, e.g. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Thereafter abbreviate the scientific name in the text (M. persicae ), or, if appropriate, use the common name, e.g. wheat.


Proofs will be e-mailed as a PDF file to the corresponding author, whose email address must be supplied on the manuscript. Proofs must be corrected and returned to the publishers within 48 hours of receipt. Authors' corrections must be restricted to printers and/or factual errors.


Author(s) must sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, transferring copyright of the article to the Sohag Faculty of Agriculture, and submit the original signed agreement with the paper when presented for publication. Where an article is prepared jointly, the corresponding author must obtain either the signature(s) of the co-author(s) to this agreement or their written permission to sign on their behalf.