Growth and Ultimate Size of cactus pear Opuntia ficusindica Fruit following Fruit Thinning in a semi-arid area

Document Type : Research and Review Papers


1 Plant Production Department Offered Subjects: Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture Sohag University Sohag 82524 Egypt

2 Horticulture Research Institute Agriculture Research Center Giza 12619 Egypt

3 Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, 12619, Egypt.


The aim of this work was to study the effect of fruit thinning on 
fruit yield and quality of cactus pear. To meet this objective, trials on fruit 
thinning were conducted on an adult plantation of cactus pear Opuntia ficusindica. cv ‘Cristalina’ 10 years old at the research farm at Sohag University 
in Kawthar area, where semi-arid climatic condition is conducted. The fruit 
thinning consisted of reducing the fruit load of overcharged cladodes by 
reducing the number of fruits to 4, 8 and 12 per cladode. We established a 
cladode load and thinning time that maximized fruit and flesh size in cactus 
pear. It was practiced in mid-March month by removing some floral buds at 
the flowering stage. The control cladodes had an average number of 18 
fruits per cladode. Obtained results showed that the reduction in the load of 
cladodes improved fruit size and quality. Fruit and flesh weight increased 
with thinning. Heavier thinning (4 per cladode) causes increase of fruit or 
flesh weight but it is less economically feasible due to the small number of 
total fruits per feddan. Percent flesh affected by thinning. Fruit 
characteristics, such as total soluble solids concentration and seed content 
change with thinning. But the best economic return was with 8 fruit because 
of the high price of selling per fruit and the yield per acre compared to the 
rest of the treatments and control. In 8 fruits per cladode thinned plants as 
the best obtained seasons’ results, an average fruit weight was 189.74 g and 
average fruit length and diameter was 9.81 and 7.34 cm, respectively. 
Regarding to untreated plants (control), an average of the fruit weight was 
only 105.28 g and average fruit length and diameter was 7.88 and 6.16 cm, 
respectively as the best obtained seasons’ results. Thinning treatment 
affected the total sugar significantly. The number of seeds was affected by 
thinning treatments whereas in T3 (4 fruits), T2 (8 fruits) T1 (12 fruits) and 
Control, respectively, while depending on the distribution of seeds through 
the fruit pulp is favorable in T3 (4 fruits) than other thinning. Fruit thinning 
also improved the economic income of the yield. 


Main Subjects