(Evaluating the behavior of some Egyptian cotton genotypes under water stress conditions and its effect on yield and technological traits)

Document Type : Research and Review Papers


1 Cotton Research Institute Agricultural Research Center Giza Egypt

2 Dept. of Agronomy- Fac. Of Agric. Sohag University


An experiment was conducted during two successive summer seasons, 2022 and 2023 at Shandaweel Agric. Res. Station, A.R.C., Sohag, Egypt, to evaluate the behavior of 20 genotypes from Egyptian cotton to identify and isolate drought tolerant genotypes of Egyptian cotton under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions using nine drought tolerance indices. analysis of variance of the studied characters under the two environments (normal and drought) in the two years and their combined analysis showed that highly significant differences between genotypes in the separate and combined analysis. The effect of years showed highly significant differences between the two seasons for seed cotton / plant, lint yield / plant and fiber traits under the two conditions. The interaction of genotypes by years was significant for all traits except fiber length under normal irrigation, and for all traits under drought stress condition. Genotypes were caused in most of the variability rather than years and their interactions with genotypes. By the two methods, drought tolerance indices and mean performances we can screening drought tolerant genotypes which showed that the most drought tolerant genotypes which No. 6, 7, 11 and No.20 under Yp and Ys conditions. Also, drought tolerant genotypes cleared that the genotypes No.1, 6, 18 were the most drought tolerant genotypes for fiber traits. But, genotype (No.20) showed high seed cotton yield and fiber traits under Yp and Ys conditions and might be selected according to these indicators to upgrade drought tolerant trait in cotton. Thus, we can use these genotypes in breeding programs for improving drought tolerance crosses to overcome the water reduction and reduce the water consumption of the cotton crop. Then we can extend the reclame a large area of new lands that suffer from water deficiency. And use the new promising crosses for planting the new reclaim aria.


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